Jim Marrs — Rule by Secrecy “Hidden History Tri­la­teral Free­masons” (2 Std.-Video)

Ver­öf­fent­licht am 06.08.2012

Aurora-Absturz 1897…  wurde mir bestätigt von einem Piloten


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In Rule by Secrecy Marrs pains­ta­kingly examines the world’s most closely guarded secrets, tracing the history of secret societies and the power they have wielded, from the ancient mys­teries to modern-day con­spiracy theories. Sear­ching for truth, he uncovers dis­turbing evi­dence that the real movers and shakers of the world collude to start and stop wars, mani­pulate stock markets and interest rates, maintain class distinc­tions, and even censor the six o’clock news. And they do this under the auspices of the Council on Foreign Rela­tions, the Tri­la­teral Com­mission, the Bil­der­bergers, the CIA, and even the Vatican. According to Marrs, the power of these groups extends as far back as humankind’s pre­history. Drawing on his­to­rical evi­dence and his own impec­cable research, Marrs clearly traces the mys­teries that connect these modern-day secret societies to the Free­masons, the Illu­minati, the Knights Templar, and Egypt’s Great Pyramids. The result is a mas­terful syn­thesis of his­to­rical infor­mation, much of it long hidden from the public, that sheds light on the people and orga­niza­tions that rule our lives.