Für den, der immer noch daran zweifelt, dass der BitCoin eine Blase ist…

Neuer Fir­menname plus 2400 Prozent Kurs­gewinn — Wer noch daran zweifelt, dass es sich bei Bit­coins um eine Blase handelt, der sei auf fol­gende Geschichte verwiesen:

Der Tele­graph berichtet:

  • „Natural Resource Hol­dings, a small Israeli outfit that has invested in a group of pre­cious metals mines, has seen its share price jump from 105 shekels (£22.40) to 2,615 shekels – a 2,400pc rise – since it announced it was moving into cryptocurrencies.“
    - Fazit: nur durch die Ankün­digung hoch bewertete Assets zu kaufen! WOW.


  • „In October, the company announced it was swit­ching to working on block­chain the database tech­nology behind Bitcoin and on Sunday it con­firmed it is planning to buy a 75pc stake in Bit­farms, a Canadian company that mines cryptocurrency.“
    Fazit: Der Kauf von Bit­coins eines Pro­du­zenten  bedeutet also einen enormen Wert­zu­wachs an der Börse. Ich würde jetzt meine Anteile ver­kaufen, wenn ich inves­tiert wäre.


  • „Mining ope­ra­tions have become big business amid the stra­to­spheric rise in cryp­to­cur­rency values. (…) The growth of the network means that mining now requires super­com­puters and enormous energy bills, turning what was once an amateur hobby into a pro­fes­sional endeavour, carried out at com­panies like Bit­farms. The company is North America’s largest cryp­to­cur­rency mining operation (…).“
    Fazit: und ver­braucht bald allen Strom dort? Na, ich denke, es ist noch nicht das Ende der Party.


  • „Before the announcement, Natural Resource Hol­dings was largely invested in a handful of gold, metal and silver mines across the US. It is far from the first listed company to cash in on investor exci­tement about cryp­to­cur­rency. Shares in London-based On-Line jumped over 300pc when it announced it was changing its name to ‚On-Line Block­chain‘, while shares in a small biotech firm, Bioptix rocketed more than 200pc after changing its name to ‚Riot Block­chain‘.
    Fazit: Lasst uns feiern!

Hier nochmals das pas­sende Chart:

Quelle: Telegraph
Tele­graph (Anmeldung erfor­derlich): „Gold miner’s shares jump 2,400pc after it switches to Bitcoin“, 5. Dezember 2017
Dr. Daniel Stelter / www.think-beyondtheobvious.com