Cryp­to­cur­rencies — the investment oppor­tunity of a lifetime — Bitcoin (Video mit deut­schem Untertitel)

In this con­ver­sation Raoul Pal, CEO and cofounder of Real Vision, joins Marc Friedrich to discuss inflation, monetary policy and Bitcoin among many other topics.

Raoul Pal spent his entire career as a suc­cessful macro investor, retired at an early age, and is one of the most pro­lific investor voices on Twitter. 

He is known and famours for his popular term “going irre­spon­sibly long Bitcoin”. 

In this con­ver­sation, Raoul Pal, breaks down why Central Banks and their failed policies will drive up Bitcoin’s price to uni­ma­gi­nable levels and why he expects the largest tech­nology trans­for­mation in the history of mankind. 





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