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Eine halbe Million Men­schen eröffnen GETTR-Konten, nachdem Joe Rogan der Plattform beitritt

Am Sonntag gab der welt­größte Pod­caster Joe Rogan (13 Mio. Fol­lower) seine Anmeldung auf der neuen Social-Media-Plattform für freie Mei­nungs­äu­ßerung GETTR bekannt. 

(von Collin McMahon)

In den fol­genden zwei Tagen mel­deten sich über eine halbe Million Men­schen bei GETTR an, das nun fast vier Mil­lionen Nutzer weltweit zählt.

Nachdem Rogan am Sonntag, den 2. Januar, seine Anmeldung auf GETTR ankün­digte, folgten ihm an einem Tag 171.000 neue Nutzer auf GETTR.

Am Montag hat sich diese Zahl mit über 341.000 Kon­to­er­öff­nungen fast verdoppelt.

Bis Diens­tag­morgen gab es seit Rogans Erklärung mehr als 545.000 Neuanmeldungen.

„Dies ist die große Umwälzung der Social-Media-Land­schaft“, sagte GETTR-CEO Jason Miller.

„Die Leute haben sich nach einem neuen Medium für die freie Mei­nungs­äu­ßerung gesehnt, und GETTR ist die Antwort.

Wenn Joe Rogan warnt, dass die eta­blierten Social-Media-Giganten noch über­grif­figer werden könnten, horchen die die Leute auf und folgen ihm.“

Lesen Sie hier die ganze Pressemitteilung:

Half a million people open GETTR accounts after Joe Rogan joins platform

January 4, 2022
More than half a million people joined free speech social media platform GETTR in the two days after podcast superstar Joe Rogan announced that he had signed up, sending the total number of total regis­tered users sky­ro­cketing to nearly four million.     

Rogan made his announcement on Sunday, January 2, which prompted more than 171,000 to open GETTR accounts that day. On Monday, that number almost doubled, with over 341,000 people opening accounts. As of Tuesday morning, there had been more than 545,000 new signups since Rogan’s declaration.

“This is the great dis­ruption in the social media land­scape,” said GETTR Chief Exe­cutive Officer Jason Miller. “People have been looking for a new outlet for free expression, and GETTR is the desti­nation. When Joe Rogan says that the estab­lishment social media giants might get ‘even dumber,’ people listen and join the migration.”

The burst of new GETTR users is the biggest since the day of its official launch on July 4, 2021, and the platform is nearing four million total regis­tered users.

Rogan’s decision to join GETTR came on the same day Twitter per­ma­nently banned the per­sonal account of U.S. Repre­sen­tative Mar­jorie Taylor Greene(R‑GA), citing her opi­nions as vio­la­tions of the social media giant’s COVID-19 policies, despite some of them being demons­trably true. Mean­while, YouTube cen­sored Rogan’s interview with Dr. Robert Malone, a con­tri­butor to mRNA vaccine tech­nology, who was also deplat­formed by Twitter for his remarks on the COVID-19 vaccine, before he joined GETTR on December 29.

Rogan, the host of popular podcast “The Joe Rogan Expe­rience,” announced he was joining GETTR on Sunday in his first post: “Just in case shit over at Twitter gets even dumber, I’m here now as well. Rejoice!”

Rogan’s announcement trig­gered a flood of new signups from pro­minent figure and big names, including jour­nalist Mary Katherine Ham, Newsmax host Rob Schmitt, pod­caster Adam22, author and pod­caster Bret Wein­stein, com­men­tator CJ Pearson, soccer star and announcer Matt Le Tissier, news outlet The Daily Mail, and actress Kristi Swanson.

Others included activist and jour­nalist Andy Ngô, poli­tical com­men­tator Dave Rubin, comedian Larry the Cable Guy, author Dr. Jordan B Peterson, colum­nists Kurt Schlichter, Karol Mar­kowitz, Salena Zito, and Josh Hammer, former NBA player and pod­caster Andrew Bogut, British rapper Zuby, UFC fighter Tim Kennedy, MMA fighter James Webb, and TV host Jedediah Bila.

GETTR trended on Twitter in the U.S., U.K., Aus­tralia, and Canada across the two-day period, rea­ching a peak of number six in the United States on Sunday – the only trending topic in the top 10 that wasn’t related to the National Football League.

GETTR, which does not cancel people for their poli­tical opi­nions, offi­cially launched on July 4th, 2021, achieved its first million users less than three days after launch and cemented its place in history as the fastest growing social media platform ever. By com­pa­rison, Twitter took 24 months to attract one million users while Facebook took 10 months.

GETTR is available in the Apple App Store and the Google Play App Store, as well as online at


For all GETTR media inquiries or to interview CEO Jason Miller please email: