By Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

US-Pro­tek­tio­nismus: Deutschland ist ein leichtes Ziel

Albert Ewards bringt es auf den Punkt: Deutschland ist (zu Recht) das eigent­liche Ziel von Donald Trumps Han­dels­po­litik. Für Edwards passt es in das „Ice Age“-Szenario. Klares Zeichen für das Endspiel:

  • Incre­asing trade ten­sions are an ine­vi­table con­se­quence of the side-effects of QE pursued by central banks – espe­cially the ECB. In the near term, there are a couple of trade issues ran­kling the US Admi­nis­tration far more than steel and alu­minium that could easily trigger a full-scale trade war. More imme­diate is the impending result of a US probe into China’s alleged theft of intellectual pro­perty. And boiling away in the back­ground are Germany’s, and now too the eurozone’s, out­sized trade surpluses.“
    Stelter: Und im Unter­schied zu dem, was unsere Führung immer wieder sagt, sind unsere Über­schüsse wirklich ein enormes Problem. Für die Welt, aber auch für uns!
  • „Edwards claims that Pre­sident Trump is a most unusual poli­tician. Like him or loath him, he seems to be doing some­thing poli­ti­cians seldom ever do: namely, attempting to fulfill his election pro­mises. This is most unusual!“
  • „On the opposite end of the spectrum from Trump is Italy, which easily wins the award of lying poli­ti­cians and which Edwards says is perhaps the one reason elec­torate has turned its back on main­stream poli­tical parties As a reminder, in the dra­matic election outcome two weeks ago, euro­skeptic, anti-estab­lishment parties win a nominal majority, an unpre­ce­dented result for modern Europe. And, as Edwards cor­rectly points out, eco­nomic sta­gnation has coupled with poli­tical dis­ap­pointment to turn a dis­il­lu­sioned and angry elec­torate away from the main­stream. To a greater or lesser extent, you can see this sort of elec­toral revolt in almost every single European country as well as in the US.
    – Stelter: Das werden wir erst beim nächsten Abschwung erleben.
  • „(…) since the inception of the euro at the start of 1999, Italian GDP has increased a paltry 8%. Con­trast that with the UK and US, which have both grown around 45%, France and Germany at around 30%, and even Japan, which has grown around 20%! And Spain, despite seeing a gut-wren­ching 10% decline in GDP between 2008 and 2013, has still enjoyed a massive 42% GDP rise since the euro’s inception. Italy’s eco­nomic per­for­mance is a dis­grace for a G7 country and frankly into­le­rable. Against this backdrop, I’m amazed the vote for Italian radical parties wasn’t even higher!“
    – Stelter: Das kann man wohl sagen!!
  • „The incre­dible yield sup­pression in the eurozone has seen capital flows hae­mor­rhage out of the region in search of yield. This is why the ECB is largely respon­sible for placing the eurozone in the cross­hairs of Trump’s newly aggressive pro­tec­tionist mea­sures.“
    – Stelter: So ist es. Die tiefen Zinsen fördern den Kapi­tal­export, damit den eigentlich schwachen Euro und natürlich auch die Han­dels­über­schüsse des Euroraumes.
  • I believe Germany’s gar­gantuan trade and current account surplus will soon attract Trump’s full attention. The US has not been alone in cri­ti­cising Germany’s out­sized external surplus – so too have the European Com­mission, the IMF and the OECD. To be sure, other countries have a bigger surplus as a % of GDP, like Switz­erland, Holland and Sin­gapore, but these countries are rela­tively small. Germany’s surplus is now, in dollar terms, the biggest in the world. The eurozone surplus has also been rising in recent years to stand at 4% of GDP.“
    – Stelter: der Größte der Welt! Das müssen wir uns mal auf der Zunge zer­gehen lassen.

Quelle: SocGen

  • „Making matters worse, everyone knows that it is Germany’s FX subsidy courtesy of the EUR – which replaced the far stronger Deutsche Mark – that makes Berlin one of the biggest cur­rency riggers in the world. In fact, a Chinese official com­mented a few years back that Germany, not China, was actually the world’s biggest cur­rency mani­pu­lator – in tying its cur­rency to far weaker eco­nomies, the real DM is mas­sively undervalued.
    – Stelter: Natürlich sagen unsere Poli­tiker, dass wir nichts dafür können. Das stimmt aber nicht. Wir hätten zum Bei­spiel den Euro wirklich sanieren können.

„As a result, Edwards expects Trump to soon turn his pro­tec­tionist fire on both Germany and the EU. That will be messy.“ – bto: Das kann man wohl sagen. Es würde nicht nur Deutschland in eine Rezession stürzen, sondern den Euro gleich ganz killen. „Albert Edwards: ‚Trump Will Soon Turn His Pro­tec­tionist Fire On Germany. That Will Be Messy‚“, 15. März 2018

Dr. Daniel Stelter —