Angela Merkel: „Der Islam ist nicht die Quelle des Ter­ro­rismus, sondern die Christen, die Muslime mit Isla­mo­phobie wütend machen.“ (Video)

Angela Merkels Rede, die das deutsche Volk erschüttert. Im Video sagt sie: „Europa muss mehr mus­li­mische Flücht­linge nehmen, ISLAM ist eine fried­liche Religion.


German Chan­cellor Angela Merkel says the European Union has an obli­gation to accept refugees. Addressing the Munich Security Con­fe­rence, Merkel one more time expressed support for asylum seekers and called on EU states to help the refugees coming to Europe. The German chan­cellor who is cri­tical of a US travel ban on Muslims and immi­grants noted that Islam is NOT the source of ter­rorism but rather the problem lies within a false under­standing of it. Merkel pointed out that the bloc is in a dif­ficult con­dition due to Brexit. She urged European countries to stay unified and warned not to go it alone. Merkel added that the EU should also do more to pre­serve and strengthen its defense.

Quelle: Jews News