Geheime Technik bei McDonnell Douglas (Video)


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Ver­öf­fent­licht am 03.12.2013

spannend – Condon (Condon-Report) ver­suchte ihn feuern zu lassen, weil er zuviel wusste. Er erklärt, wie sie Alien Tech­no­logie nach­gebaut haben und wieso all das geheim­ge­halten wurde!

Dr. Robert Wood, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace.

Dr Robert Wood worked in a senior capacity as an aero­space engineer at McDonnell Douglas for his entire 43-year career. In his tes­timony, he states that he was involved in a spe­cific project at McDonnell Douglas to study the pro­pulsion systems of UFOs. In addition, he con­firms the exis­tence of other pro­jects within the aero­space industry, and gives his assessment of the fact that this subject is not only real, but is of extra­ter­restrial nature. He also con­firms the extreme secrecy sur­rounding the subject.

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