Rezession und Brexit treffen die Eurozone hart

Ambroise Evans-Prit­chard wirft erneut einen Blick auf die fragile Eurozone in einem zunehmend unsi­cheren Umfeld. In diesem Zusam­menhang komme auch ich zu Wort:

  • „The eurozone faces (…) is struc­tu­rally defen­celess as the world slides into recession. This will not be an ordinary downturn because central banks no longer have the instru­ments to fight it. (So remains the risk) of a no-deal Brexit (and) he US economy (…) is now crumbling too. The yield curve is deeply inverted. Con­sumer sen­timent has dropped to a seven-year low. The ISM manu­fac­turing index has tipped into con­traction. Export orders are the lowest since April 2009.“ – Stelter: Es ist unstrittig, dass wir es mit einer deut­lichen Abkühlung der Welt­wirt­schaft zu tun haben und Brexit so oder so ein Risiko darstellt.
  • „The eurozone (…) is paying the price for its chronic reliance on global demand to keep afloat. It is also the chief casualty of Donald Trump’s trade wars. Chinese goods that are shut out of the US market are being diverted into Europe. The more that Beijing devalues the yuan, the worse it gets.“ – bto: Der immer wieder bespro­chene Export der Deflation findet hier statt.
  • „There is much talk of an imminent ECB rescue package. But Frankfurt has already reached the ‘reversal’ threshold where further rate cuts turn con­trac­tionary. They hurt banks. They lead to a rise in ‘pre­cau­tionary’ savings as household puts aside more money.“ – Stelter: wie eben­falls schon dis­ku­tiert. Wir haben es in der Tat mit einer Liqui­di­täts­falle der extremsten Art zu tun.
  • „(…) inflation expec­ta­tions are crashing faster than the ECB can pos­sibly cut rates. The real cost of bor­rowing is rising. (…) Yields on five-year German Bunds have dropped to minus 0.93pc. The entire sove­reign debt structure of Germany is trading at negative rates, with France close behind. Even if the ECB does relaunch QE next week there is no further yield com­pression for the taking.“ – Stelter: Wie denn auch, denn bil­liges Geld allein ist kein Grund, zu investieren.
  • „Wick­sel­lians accuse central banks of pulling the natural rate of interest ever lower with each cycle until it cannot go any lower. Under this ‘inter­tem­poral’ hypo­thesis – advanced in dif­ferent ways by the Bank of Inter­na­tional Sett­le­ments (BIS) and by Bernard Con­nolly, the high priest of euro­s­ceptic theory – the central banks have been ste­aling pro­sperity from the future for the last quarter century. Even­tually the future catches up with them.“ – Stelter: Das sehe ich bekanntlich genauso. Wir haben uns mit der asym­me­tri­schen Reaktion in die Falle geführt.
Hier bestellen!
  • „The asym­metric reflex of letting asset bubbles run but always inter­vening to cushion the bust itself pro­motes the slide deeper into this swamp. It has blocked the Schum­pe­terian cle­ansing of creative des­truction. This has kept ‘zombie com­panies’ alive and sup­pressed pro­duc­tivity; and it has led to a debt trap. Global lia­bi­lities have reached 332pc of GDP.“ – Stelter: Aber wir haben noch viel Luft, bis wir alle auf japa­ni­schem Niveau liegen …
  • „(…) Europe’s poli­tical elites have gone against the grain of eco­nomic anthro­pology, tried to conjure away the North-South chasm, imposed fiscal strait­jacket that has no founding in eco­nomic science, and have driven their eco­nomies into a deflation quagmire from which there is no return. The denouement will be an Italian debt default and an ugly chain-reaction.“ – Stelter: was natürlich ver­stärkt wird durch die Demo­grafie und die ohnehin immer gerin­geren Produktivitätszuwächse.
  • „A report three years ago by a group of eminent eco­no­mists for the Delors Institute warned that the eurozone will remain unwor­kable unless it embraces some form of fiscal union and debt pooling. (…) France’s finance minister, Bruno Lemaire, has repeated these war­nings. ‘If there was a new financial and eco­nomic crisis tomorrow, the eurozone could not respond. Either we get a eurozone budget or there will even­tually be no euro at all,’ he said.“ – Stelter: Das ist natürlich Quatsch, wie ich damals bei der Dis­kussion des Papiers gezeigt habe. Wir wissen, dass es eben nicht möglich ist, mit staat­lichen Transfers aus­zu­gleichen. Es wären so gigan­tische Mittel erfor­derlich, die haben wir gar nicht.
  • Vor allem, weil der, der theo­re­tisch alles bezahlen sollte, schwä­chelt: It is a perilous moment for Germany. The Wirt­schafts­wunder faces two struc­tural shocks: it has fallen behind in digital tech­nology; it made a bad bet on diesel cars and has been left behind in the battery race for electric vehicles. Volkswagen’s chief fears that the German car industry could go the way of Coventry within a decade.“ – Stelter: Und wir haben nicht vor­ge­sorgt, wie wir alle wissen.
  • „Daniel Stelter, author of a best-selling cri­tique of the German model called Fairy Tale of a Rich Country, said Berlin is drifting blindly towards a no-deal. ‘The assumption and hope is that ›crazy Boris‹ will be expelled and someone else in the UK will‘ act respon­sibly’ and stop Brexit. No-one is ques­tioning the EU nego­tiation strategy and everyone wants to make sure that the British don’t benefit from the club without being a member,’ he said.“ – Stelter: Treue Leser dieser Seiten kennen meine Haltung zu dem Thema. Es ist unver­ant­wortlich, wie die deutsche Regierung hier handelt.
  • „Business is becoming alarmed for the first time but there is little debate in German poli­tical circles about the scale of the threat. ‘So they might well stumble into a Brexit-crisis assuming it does not matter,’ he said.“
  • „I have no doubt that Britain would be trans­formed by that trauma. But so would Europe. It would it bring the eurozone’s sim­mering patho­logies to the boil. It would test the low poli­tical pain-threshold of a union split between debtors and cre­ditors, each deeply mis­trustful of the other.“ – Stelter: Und da hilft auch das Geld der EZB nicht mehr.
  • Britain would suffer the bigger eco­nomic shock but it would also have the insti­tu­tional levers to defend itself quickly. It would let rip with fiscal sti­mulus. The eurozone would be ham­strung by the Sta­bility Pact, the Fiscal Compact, and debt brakes imposed on ever­ybody else by Germany. Auto­matic sta­bi­lizers would be the first line of defence. Budget sti­mulus would trickle out, too little, too late. European fiscal para­lysis would match European monetary para­lysis. The cur­rency bloc would dis­in­te­grate.“ – Stelter: Wenn das so käme, hätten wir aller­dings ein welt­weites Chaos an den Märkten.

Dr. Daniel Stelter –